Hi. I am Barbara Komorek and this is my website. I am a former research scientist and a USANA Independent Associate (Gold Director). My husband Chris and I have been distributing USANA products for over 10 years and we have thousands of happy customers around the world.

Through my works as a scientist I have always apprciated the importance of optimum nutrition for life-long health and wellness. I love the USANA vitamins and products and my family has been enjoying them every day. We have used the supplements to maintain our good health for years and would not go a day without them.
USANA Health Sciences manufactures best quality products that have received top awards and numerous accolades around the world and we would like you - our customer experience the best health products on the market as well.
Hellotogoodhealth.com is an Independent Distributor of USANA Health Sciences. We are a direct marketer of USANA Health Sciences nutritional products including multivitamins, weight management and personal care products. We are dedicated to helping people fulfill their health and wellness needs by offering health-related and other information related to USANA nutritional products.
Please note that when you purchase USANA nutritional products from this website you are getting the latest expiration dates and the freshest, genuine products that are shipped directly to you from the USANA's wearhouse. You will also receive our 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee.
We constantly strive to provide the lowest product prices, the best promotions and inexpensive shipping. When you shop at hellotogoodhealth.com you’re always getting a great deal.
We are available on the phone, via email or skype so if you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the USANA products or our business, our contact details are here.
Thank you for ordering through our website!
Partner With Me
Welcome to my online wellness business - the place to be for wellness-minded individuals and professionals who believe in the message of health while improving their income, and creating the lifestyle they were meant to have.
Have you ever felt stuck?
Are you looking for…
Time freedom? Financial freedom? The opportunity of a lifetime?
Would you consider an opportunity?
A wellness business that feels good to run
Money that feels good to make
So you can create leveraged income from home
That can help you realise your dreams
And the lifestyle that you deserve
With a company that has top rated products and business

- We all want money and great lifestyle and you can have them both just by embracing a different paradigm - home based business.
- Although money is important, wealth isn’t only defined as making a strong income; it’s also about how good you feel every day, how much fun you have, how much free time, and the overall quality of your life. I want my business to be a great lifestyle business, how about you?
- Have you got time, income and energy for the little things that make you life rich and fulfilling - mornings at the beach, pit stops at the fresh fruit stand, smiles for strangers, walks in the park, wine-infused date nights and nourishing yourself in ways that you deserve?
- Do you live your life on your own terms? Or does someone else tells you when you can have time off work or take holidays.
- Your health is important. The health of your body. The health of your mind. And (of course) the health of your bank account. Running your own business can be one of the most liberating, sensational, rewardingly lucrative experiences out there - and it doesn’t have to be complicated or costly to get started.

I have always wanted to live my life to the fullest which includes time and financial freedom combined with excellent health.
In order to achieve that, I knew a long time ago I needed something different. I didn’t know what that was until USANA came along. Partnering with USANA has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
How about you? Have you got enough money and time to enjoy your life and family? Is your health great? Are you financially independent?
Contact me and I will show you how I turned a little part-time business into a global enterprise that I run from home without the usual headaches of a traditional business or frachise.
I invite you to partner with me so we can spread the vision of health to other women and men and create a business that will allow you to make a difference in your life and the life of others.
We'll have so much fun together and do everything on-line!
Learn more about my business here and...